Cara Membuat Waffle Ikan (Fish Hongkong Waffle) Anti Ribet

Waffle Ikan (Fish Hongkong Waffle). A wide variety of fish waffle iron options are available to you, such as power source, material, and warranty. Waffle ikan ini unik, ber-makna & disukai semua kalangan. A wide variety of hong kong waffle maker options are available to you, such as interchangeable plates.

Waffle Ikan (Fish Hongkong Waffle) Start with a seasoned cast iron waffle pan. If your waffle iron has wooden handles, it cannot be seasoned in the oven and must be done on the stovetop. Have heavy pot holders or oven mitts at the ready because the handles will be extremely hot. Cara membuatnya tidak sulit Waffle Ikan (Fish Hongkong Waffle) menggunakan 10 bahan dan 4 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.

Bahan yang diperlukan Waffle Ikan (Fish Hongkong Waffle)

  1. Dibutuhkan 200 gr Tepung Terigu Protein Sedang.
  2. Siapkan 2 btr telur ukuran sedang.
  3. Siapkan 100 gr gula pasir.
  4. Dibutuhkan 50 gr Mentega, lelehkan.
  5. Siapkan 300 ml Air.
  6. Dibutuhkan 1 sachet susu bubuk fullcream.
  7. Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt Baking Powder.
  8. Siapkan 1/2 sdt Ragi Instan.
  9. Siapkan 1/2 sdt Vanilla Essense.
  10. Dibutuhkan Sejumput Garam.

Waffles may be limited to the shape of your iron, but the shape of your iron isn't limited to circles and squares. The appliances on this list will give you waffles in the shape of everything from elephants and fish to ominous galactic super weapons. Set of Hong Kong waffle with cherry strawberry orange and whipped or chocolate cream vector illustration isolated on white background website page and mobile app design. Egg Waffle obsession: where to eat them in Hong Kong - Laugh Travel Eat.

Langkah Pembuatan Waffle Ikan (Fish Hongkong Waffle)

  1. Siapkan wadah campurkan bahan kering lalu masukkan telur dan air sedikit demi sedikit sambil di kocok dengan balon wishk sampai mengental. Istirahatkan -/+15 menit..
  2. Panaskan cetakan yg sudah diolesi mentega kemudian tuang 1 sendok sayur adonan lalu tutup masak dengan api relatif kecil. (Bisa tambahkan isian coklat pada tahap ini dan tentunya jumlah gula bisa dikurangi ya supaya gak terlalu manis)😉.
  3. Setelah matang dan permukaan berwana coklat, angkat..
  4. Sajikan dengan teh atau kopi panas untuk sarapan atau santai di sore hari. Yummyy.. Selamat mencoba👌.

Buy cheap white iron numbers online from China today! Enjoy fast delivery, best quality and cheap price. Within Hong Kong's traditions and culture, street food is central, and provides a unique experience to both tourists and locals. Largely considered the gastronomic symbol of Hong Kong's thriving street-food scene, the egg waffle is so popular, it has become an institution in and of itself. Hong Kong Egg Waffles (sometimes referred to as egg puffs, eggettes or bubble waffles) is a popular street dish.

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