Cara Memasak Koko Crunch Chocolate Cookies Yang Gurih
Koko Crunch Chocolate Cookies. KOKO KRUNCH® is a good way for your kids to take their day to the max! These crunchy petals are made with whole grain, the unique Koko Krunch® chocolate taste and vitamins & minerals. Here is the recipe of how to do the cookies.
Chocolate lime cookies with crunchy cocoa nibs, perfect for dipping in lemonade. I made these cookies on a whim the other night after looking at some very fancy chocolates online made by some hip and trendy chocolatier. May chocolate fudge cake from red ribbon, my all time favorite. Cara membuatnya tidak susah Koko Crunch Chocolate Cookies menggunakan 6 bahan dan 9 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.
Bahan yang diperlukan Koko Crunch Chocolate Cookies
- Dibutuhkan 350 gram dark chocolate.
- Dibutuhkan 120 gram mentega putih.
- Dibutuhkan 150 gram kacang mede [aku: pake kacang tanah kupas].
- Dibutuhkan 170 gram koko crunch.
- Dibutuhkan 50 gram sprinkle warna warni untuk taburan.
- Siapkan Secukupnya cup kertas kecil untuk wadah.
Mae: Yung Cookie Crisp na lang kunin mo. I separated the white ones from the brown ones, and ate those that are white. Whole grain cereal with chocolate flavour. Lightly grease cookie sheet or line with parchment paper.
Cara Pembuatan Koko Crunch Chocolate Cookies
- Potong-potong kacang tanah hingga kecil lalu sangrai hingga kecoklatan dan matang. angkat dan dinginkan..
- Iris tipis dark chocolate agar mudah dicairkan saat ditim..
- Sambil menunggu kacang dingin, siapkan cup kertas dinampan besar agar mudah mencetaknya..
- Panaskan air diwajan, setelah mendidih matikan api..
- Masukkan dark chocolate dan mentega putih dalam wadah tahan panas. Lalu tim diatas air panas tersebut. Aduk hingga meleleh dan bercampur sempurna.
- Masukkan kacang + koko crunch kedalam coklat leleh. Aduk rata..
- Masukkan adonan dengan sendok kedalam cup kertas, lalu taburi dengan sprinkle..
- Dinginkan hingga coklat mengering lalu masukkan kedalam toples kedap udara, kedap suara 😌.
- Sajikan dengan bahagia.
A wide variety of koko crunch options are available to you, such as type, after-sales service provided. Koko Krunch Chocolate Flavoured Whole Grain Wheat Curls Breakfast Cereal Milk. A wide variety of koko krunch cereal options are available. Homemade Chocolate Cookie Crumbs. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH is a delicious cereal with a rich chocolate taste that kids love.